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06 Jan
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16 Jul
Everyone is wondering what has happened and what will be of the cruising industry in 2021. Although the year is half over, we are excited to see cruising slowly coming back, albeit with some restrictions. Here is what we have found for Caribbean cruising in Summer 2021.
What travelers can expect for travel via the cruise lines post-pandemic.
Post pandemic travel is bound to be different for quite some time. And with resistance to vaccination efforts, it is likely the remnants of Corona will be around for quite some time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Cruises could resume operations by mid to late summer. However, those ships and passengers must meet several requirements.
Travelers can expect to see a more significant presence of the cruise line cleaning staff. No longer will it be so behind the scenes, but the team will be more active and more visible in efforts to keep germs away from passengers.
For those buffet lovers, the long and delectable buffets will be no more for the foreseeable future. And entertainment may be limited. Additionally, vaccination proof is required for most cruise lines across the board.
Which Cruise Lines are Running?
Good news! The Caribbean is ready to cruise again when passengers depart from one of the island ports.
Returning to “normal” operations may take a while for the cruise lines, but they are anxious and ready to go. So if you are a lover of all things Caribbean and Cruise lines, look into availability and follow the rules for a happy and safe getaway.
CITED: Bloomberg.com, cnbc.com