Die ultimative Checkliste für Hausbesichtigungen für Käufer
06 Jan
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13 Apr
Ending the Halt on Cruising
Finally, travelers can cruise from Jamaica again. Royal Caribbean has announced two ships that will sail in June, ending a year-long halt on the cruise industry. Since the beginning of the pandemic, cruise lines have been docked and awaiting release. According to NBC News and Celebrity Cruises CEO Lisa Luyoff-Perlo,
"Returning to the Caribbean' marks the measured beginning of the end of what has been a uniquely challenging time for everyone.'"
With a negative COVID test result, you could be cruising in June aboard one of these two ships.
The Celebrity Millennium will dock in St. Maarten on June 5th and stop at locations such as Aruba, Curacao, and Barbados. Other stops locations will include Tortola, St. Lucia, and Barbados.
Adventure of the Seas will launch a week later and will set sail from Nassau and the Bahamas.
This is not only good news for those who enjoy traveling by ship, but for the Cruise workers, Caribbean countries, and the people of the Caribbean.
COVID-19 and Cruising
The CEO of Royal Caribbean Group, Richard Fain, has discussed the protocol changes for cruising and cruise safety. A negative test was once the ticket onto a cruise ship, and now certain ships are leaning toward a vaccination requirement. As the new protocol is issued, both Fain and Luyoff-Perlo keep on top of the ever-changing state of the travel industry and the continual change in the way we cruise.
One thing everyone can agree on, it that it is time to get back to living life and vacationing. And if there is a safe way, cruises to and from the Caribbean islands will be welcomed with open arms and a big sigh of relief.
CITED: NBCnews.com and cruiseindustrynews.com