Die ultimative Checkliste für Hausbesichtigungen für Käufer
06 Jan
Warten Sie mal...
16 Apr
According to the weekly news, the Minister of Education Hon. Rachel Taylor announced the re-opening of schools for classroom learning in Turks and Caicos. All public and private schools will resume classes in person, with some restrictions in place to keep students and staff safe.
Introduced in stages, the students of Turks and Caicos have been wading into the school's waters slowly since March 22nd. Those schools with fewer than 200 students were encouraged to begin bringing students back.
The initial stages allowed seniors to partake in face-to-face classes. With much consideration for those high school seniors, Taylor was quoted as saying, "The ministry wants to ensure that these students are given as much support as possible to prepare for external examinations, entry into the labour market, and for pathways to lifelong learning."
After Easter Break, all students will be returning to school. That said, several safety measures will be put in place to keep students and staff happy and healthy.
Additionally, plexiglass sneeze guards are being worked on as well as continual updates from the CDC and health officials.
Turks and Caicos welcomes students back to a new normal school experience after Easter Break. Stay safe.
CITED: TCweeklynews.com and Suntci.com