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Kayifi Outreach - Addressing Children's Rights in the Bahamas

25 Feb

Children's Rights in the Bahamas are Affecting the Youth in More Ways Than You'd Think.

Essential Children's Rights in the Bahamian islands are being compromised every day, and the results are quite unfortunate. Although the Bahamas is one of the Caribbean countries that are more developed and stable, the poverty levels leave many children in a vulnerable state.

The Bahamas youth are at risk for violent, criminal, and uneducated futures due to several essential factors. Needing consideration and reform are the following fundamental rights issues.

  1. Basic rights to an identity
  2. Treatment of the youth
  3. Active youth protection
  4. The right to an education

It is quite evident more issues are facing the youth of the Bahamas. Still, these are some of the core needs these children must have to grow up as responsible and active participants in the Bahamas. Kayifi Outreach aims to link the children to resources that will help them attain these rights, providing a new way for them to view their futures.

Take a closer look at each of these fundamental rights issues facing the youth of the Bahamas.

Basic Rights to an Identity

The fundamental right to know who you are and where you come from seems like a given. However, the children of the Bahamas are not always afforded that luxury. You see, the mothers of these youth are raising their children without a father figure in many of the Bahama's homes. The men simply are not held to the responsibility of caring for their offspring.

When many of the Bahamas babies are born, they are given their mother's maiden name. Furthermore, they may never know who their father is, leading to a major identity crisis at the ages of awareness.

Treatment of the Youth

Whether you believe in Corporal Punishment or not, the state of this form of discipline is extorted in the Bahamas. Children under the age of 16 can endure punishment by their family and the schoolteacher, headteacher, the deputy head, and the person in charge of discipline in the school. When the governing bodies and administration are allowed the right to take part in punishment, the possibility of physical and mental violence is increased exponentially.

Active Youth Protection

The single mothers of the Bahamas have their hands full. In providing for their children, the basic things a mother would want to do to protect her children are falling through the cracks. Without 2 parents or an extended family, the children are left unsupervised for periods of time.

This lack of care leads to negative influences, school dropouts, and disturbing behavior. Left to fend for themselves, these children do what they feel they must. They certainly deserve to receive more guidance than what is available to grow and develop as a responsible member of society.

The Right to an Education

Many factors go into the education of the youth in any country. When there is overpopulation in the public school system, there is going to be a lack somewhere. Then, when you add a need for parental support, teaching materials, and internet access, the situation becomes a basic right to an education crisis.

How You Can Make A Difference

No doubt, the children of the Bahamas require help. With such disparaging lack, what can anyone do to help these children and their futures?

Kayifi Outreach is addressing that very question. Helping the Bahamas youth learn how it is possible to form personal goals and actually reach them is a great place to begin.

Focusing on the youth ages 12 to 29, you can get involved in a wide range of opportunities.

  • If you have a story of inspiration to share, sign up to communicate virtually with Kayifi Outreach.
  • Perhaps you rose from an adverse situation and are now reaching your goals. Why not share with the youth of the Bahamas through Kayifi Outreach.
  • Maybe you have a great skill set you can share to motivate the students to reach for the skies. Sign up to review your skill and share with the kids in the Bahamas virtually through Kayifi.

Join Kayifi Outreach in addressing the Bahamian children's basic rights and help them grow into successful and supported adults. Click Here to Find Out More

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