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Summer Landscaping Ideas to Boost Your Home's Curb Appeal

01 May

Summer Landscaping Ideas to Boost Your Home's Curb Appeal 

The warmer months are on their way, and it's the perfect time to elevate your home's exterior and boost its curb appeal with summer landscaping! A well-designed landscape enhances the beauty of your property and increases its value.  

Summer is an excellent time to clean up the wear and tear from the year and add a little extra to the front yard, matching the bright and sunny days of the season. 

Read on for the top summer landscaping tips and ideas to transform your home's curb appeal. 

Is Curb Appeal Important? 

The short answer– Absolutely! Curb appeal is very important. It adds value to your home and makes a significant difference when it comes time to sell it. Additionally, it boosts your neighborhood's beauty, adding value to the surrounding homes! 

The front yard is potential buyers' first impression of your home. It sets the stage for the rest of their opinion of the property. In fact, impressive curb appeal can increase the price your home sells for! So, it truly pays to invest in your landscaping. 

Another benefit of a warm and welcoming curb appeal is how you feel when you arrive home after a long day of work and errands. There's nothing like pulling into a driveway surrounded by colorful flowers, a well-groomed lawn, and other beautiful elements of summer landscaping. 

Create a Welcoming Entrance 

The entrance to your home sets the tone for visitors. Make it inviting by framing the front door with colorful flowers or potted plants. Consider adding a charming pathway lined with decorative stones or plants to guide guests to the entrance. And don't be afraid to add personality to your entryway. Consider putting a sign of your favorite football team or a seasonal wreath on the front door. 

Add Seasonal Flowers and Plants 

Work with various seasonal flowers and plants in your landscape design to add bursts of color and texture. Mix and match different colors and heights to create visual interest. 

To have success with your summer landscaping, choose species that thrive in the seasonal heat, like:  

  • Petunias 
  • Marigolds 
  • Geraniums 
  • Sunflowers  

Install Landscape Lighting 

Light up your landscape with outdoor lighting to showcase the beauty even in the evening hours. LED pathway lights, uplighting for trees and shrubs, and string lights along fences can enhance the beauty of your outdoor space and make it more welcoming while improving safety, too! 

Focus on the Lawn 

A lush, green lawn is the foundation of a beautiful landscape. Keep your lawn healthy by mowing it regularly at the appropriate height, providing adequate water, and fertilizing as needed. Additionally, bare patches should be repaired with fresh grass to maintain a uniform look. 

Add Hardscape Elements 

Contrast the soft greenery textures with hardscape elements, like paver pathways or a decorative stone border. These features help define different areas and add structure to your summer landscaping. As they enhance the visual appeal, they also have functional benefits, like preventing erosion, improving drainage, and creating walkways. 

Create a Relaxation Area 

Design a cozy relaxation area in your front yard to unwind and enjoy the summer weather! Add comfortable outdoor furniture to a brick platform or the front porch. A fire pit or outdoor fireplace brings even more warmth and comfort! Remember to surround the space with lush greenery for privacy. 

Include Water Features 

Fountains, ponds, or waterfalls can add a tranquil and refreshing element to your summer landscaping design. The sound of flowing water can mask noise from nearby streets and create a peaceful atmosphere for relaxation. 

Focus on Sustainability 

Today, the value of a sustainable and environment-friendly yard makes a big impact on many potential buyers! It's all about what will last and minimizing your impact on the planet, even in the smallest ways.  

Consider adding eco-friendly landscaping practices to minimize water usage and reduce environmental impact. You can do this by choosing drought-tolerant plants native to your region, installing a rainwater collecting system, using organic mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds, and so much more! 

Stay on Top of Your Summer Landscaping Maintenance! 

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your landscape looking its best throughout the summer months! Remember to water the plants, prune any overgrown shrubs and trees, remove weeds, and refresh the mulch when necessary.  

If keeping up with a well-landscaped yard is a new habit you need to form, making a maintenance calendar or setting reminders will help you stay on track! After all, you don't want all your hard work to go to waste from easily forgetting a few days of care– A lush yard can quickly fall apart without consistency. 

Should You Hire Professionals for Summer Landscaping? 

If you're not confident in your landscaping skills or don't have the time for outdoor maintenance, consider hiring a professional landscaping company. A professional landscaper can help you design and implement a customized landscape plan that enhances your home's curb appeal and suits your lifestyle. 

Boost Your Curb Appeal with Summer Landscaping 

Enhancing your home's curb appeal with summer landscaping ideas can significantly elevate its appearance and make a lasting impression on visitors and potential buyers. By incorporating seasonal flowers and plants, adding hardscape elements, creating inviting outdoor spaces, and focusing on sustainability, you can create a beautiful and functional landscape that enhances your property's value and enjoyment. With some creativity and effort, your home can become the talk of the neighborhood this summer! 


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